I must admit, that if I had not had a personal, direct experience with God, my faith would be based on faith and not knowing. I am not sure why God came to me, other than my attempting to have a pure heart that often fails me, though I continue to try.
Why does God allow the evil we see today to exist in the world? I have asked that rhetorical question a hundred times. I finally realize that God does allow for growth, as we allow our children space to grow. So, it is up to us to begin to think of ways to make the world a better place to live.
I pray to my God in the name of humanity and the suffering we endure. This is as good a time as any time in history for prayer, as we are a troubled people for many detrimental reasons. We need your help right now…today! I am asking everyone who reads this article to pray that we have the strength and understanding to make a first step towards eliminating two major evils in the world.
The first evil that we ask our God to help us with is the elimination of the use of the N-word to describe people. First, we must eliminate the N-word from our vocabulary and perspective. Next, we need to convince those who use this slander in their music to stop, as it perpetuates racism globally. How can music with the N-word stream globally and not be repeated by people of other races? We would ask our God to give us the moral insight to reject this slanderous music. Declining sales will force change in the music industry. The N-word is an assault on human dignity. Yet, its use is so pervasive that its elimination will send a strong message to the Almighty that we intend to do better as humans, globally.
The second abomination to ask God for help is the elimination of discrimination based on skin color. We are all human beings, and no one is superior to any other. I can only imagine the psychological damage and abuse suffered by innocent humans born with cocoa skin in a cruel society so superficial in its idea of superiority that it would practice without conscience this assault on God’s creation. And, these same people would call themselves religious and ask God for help. This is the ultimate hypocrisy. It makes me shiver to my spirit in feeling for the people so effected. The caste systems of the world have to go to hell where they were created and allow the light of God to shine through as we look into the beaming and gleaming face of another human with love, respect, and dignity.

We make a commitment to no longer use the N word, and we eliminate it from society. We will neither buy, nor listen to any music that is slanderous or self-deprecating. We will demand that our political leaders take all measures necessary to introduce sanctions directed at nations that practice a caste system of racial devaluation based on skin color. We initiate protests, boycotts and immigration blocks against nations that have such a practice to restrict the cultural practice within its borders. Our leaders must also demand a change in social practice before allowing immigration to the United States.
These are first steps in making the world a better place as it relates to the human experience.
by Boot!